アジア生物学教育協議会にて「Best Presentation」を受賞!
We are pleased to announce the completion of a collaborative video documentary. The “Performance, Memory and Cultural Heritage in the UK and Japan” lasted from 2019 to 2023. Follow the link below to view a video documentary that was commissioned to mark the completion of the project and serve as a record of the research activities.
プロジェクトの概要 Project Outline
- シェークスピアの演劇や神道の儀式など、様々なパフォーマンス形態における口承や文字による記録、または実演による伝承
- 宗教的アイデンティティと儀式の再認識
- 現地の特有な空間で行われるパフォーマンスと移動可能なパフォーマンス作品
- ジェンダー・パフォーマティヴィティ(演者の男装もしくは女装)に関連した問題が取り上げられました。
The project’s comparative focus on UK and Japanese performance cultures and its practice-as-research, site-specific methodology broke new ground. Those involved conceived of ‘performance’ broadly, giving due consideration not only to theatrical performances such as plays but also to other forms of cultural performativity and ritualized performance in both a premodern and modern context. They conducted research around four key themes: (1) transmission, (2) faith, (3) space, and (4) gender. These themes were selected based on affinities between pre-modern Japanese and UK performance practices and traditions:
• the transmission of plays (Shakespeare), rituals (Shinto), and other performances orally, textually, and experientially.
• the interrogation of religious identity and ritual.
• site-specific performance spaces and moveable performance pieces.
• issues related to gender performativity (cross-dressed performers) and construction.
The scholars involved explored these themes through workshops at Kogakkan University (Japan), University of Kent (UK), and SOAS (UK). They used their experiences (on-site and via online display) to study the role of practices and traditions in contemporary cultural heritage.
謝辞 Acknowledgments
プロジェクトの資金:経済社会研究会議(ESRC:Economic and Social Research Council)と芸術・人文科学研究会議(AHRC:Arts&Humanities Research Council)のコネクション・コール
Funding for this project was generously awarded by: ESRC-AHRC UK-Japan SSH Connections Call
With thanks to:
1. Asanuma Sōhaku 淺沼宗博
2. Fukatsu Mutsuo 深津睦夫
3. Iwasaki Masaya 岩崎正彌
4. Christopher Mayo メイヨー・クリストファー
5. Hiraishi Gaku 平石岳
6. Kobayashi Kaoru 小林郁
7. Miyake Katsumasa 三宅勝正
8. Murase Ukyō 村瀬右京
9. Nakagawa Terumasa 中川照将
10. Okano Tomohiko 岡野友彦
11. Okuno Masako 奥野昌子
12. Sano Masato 佐野真人
13. Seko Megumi 瀬古恵
14. Urano Ayako 浦野綾子
15. Urita Michiko 瓜田理子
16. Kogakkan University 皇學館大学
1. Jonathan Carey
2. Sarah Dustagheer
3. Graeme Earl
4. Nancy Gaffield
5. Maxwell Howells
6. Claire James
7. Manuel Jimenez
8. Rory Loughnane
9. Dominika Kubicz-Macauley
10. Ryan Perry
11. Catherine Richardson
12. Amy Sackville
13. Riko Sherratt
14. David Stirrup
15. Kazumi Taguchi
16. Angela Websdale
17. Rob Whiteing
18. Nicole Willson
19. Clare Wright
20. University of Kent
21. SOAS, London